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MEXC Will Support the ATOR Protocol (ATOR) Token Swap and Rebranding to ANyONe Protocol (ANYONE)

Dear MEXCers,
MEXC will support the ATOR Protocol (ATOR) token swap and rebranding to ANyONe Protocol (ANYONE) with the following arrangements:

  • Deposits, withdrawals, and trading of ATOR have been closed;
  • The token swap will be conducted at a ratio of 1 ATOR:1 ANYONE;
  • After the token swap, ATOR Protocol (ATOR) will be rebranded to ANyONe Protocol (ANYONE).
Please note:
  • MEXC will not support token swaps for ATOR tokens deposited after the closure of deposits;
  • MEXC will handle all technical requirements for users who hold ATOR tokens in their MEXC accounts;
  • MEXC no longer supports deposits for old ATOR tokens after the token swap. Please make confirmation before depositing tokens to avoid any asset losses;
  • The opening time for deposits, withdrawals, and trading of ANYONE will be announced separately.

ATOR contract address:

ANYONE contract address:

The official announcement from the project team:

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thanks for your support!

Enjoy trading on MEXC.
The MEXC Team
27 June 2024