Curve is a decentralized exchange liquidity pool on Ethereum designed for extremely efficient stablecoin trading. Launched in January 2020, Curve allows users to trade between stablecoins with low slippage, low fee algorithm designed specifically for stablecoins and earning fees. Behind the scenes, the tokens held by liquidity pools are also supplied to the Compound protocol or where to generate more income for liquidity providers. 您可以在 MEXC 博客中找到有關Curve DAO Token的歷史、系統功能以及如何使用它的更多信息。
如果您想購買,交易或持有Curve DAO Token(CRV)– 快將 MEXC 交易所作為您的第一站!現在就來MEXC交易CRV,享受現貨掛單和吃單超低手續費。我們的產品會讓您的使用過程變得方便、快捷和安全!只需單擊下面的按鈕,您就會找到有關如何購買Curve DAO Token或訪問 MEXC CRV和其他加密貨幣市場和交易終端的詳細說明。