Solayer Staked SOL 價格 (SSOL)
今天 Solayer Staked SOL (SSOL) 的實時價格爲 129.65 USD。目前其市值爲 $ 85.51M USD。SSOL 兌換 USD 的價格爲實時更新。
Solayer Staked SOL 的主要市場表現:
- 24 小時交易量爲 $ 356.90K USD
- Solayer Staked SOL 當天價格變化爲 -2.93%
- 其循環供應量爲 660.52K USD
在獲取 MEXC 上從 SSOL兌換USD 價格的實時價格更新。隨時了解最新數據和市場分析。這對於在快節奏的加密貨幣市場中做出明智的交易決策至關重要。MEXC 是您獲取準確的 SSOL 價格信息的首選平台。
今天內,Solayer Staked SOL 兌換 USD 的價格漲跌幅爲 $ -3.9177814805077。
在過去30天內,Solayer Staked SOL 兌換 USD 的價格漲跌幅爲 $ -48.7575143950。
在過去60天內,Solayer Staked SOL 兌換 USD 的價格漲跌幅爲 $ -44.7338136800。
在過去90天內,Solayer Staked SOL 兌換 USD 的價格漲跌幅爲 $ -102.36654310064131。
時間段 | 漲跌幅 (USD) | 漲跌幅 (%) |
今日 | $ -3.9177814805077 | -2.93% |
30天 | $ -48.7575143950 | -37.60% |
60天 | $ -44.7338136800 | -34.50% |
90天 | $ -102.36654310064131 | -44.12% |
Solayer Staked SOL 的最新價格分析:24 小時最低價和最高價、ATH 和每日變化:
深入了解市場統計數據:市值、24 小時交易量和供應量:
Solayer is the dominant restaking marketplace on Solana.. We aim to empower on-chain decentralized applications (dApps) with improved network bandwidth while securing the L1 at the same time. Our goal is to provide dApps on Solana with a greater likelihood of securing block space and prioritizing transaction inclusion. sSOL is the universal liquidity layer for delegates [dApps] and LRTs on Solayer. Every unit of SOL can be perceived as a unit of blockspace lent towards dApps, securing network bandwidth and TPS. The stake delegated towards dApps, which derives an AVS SPL token, is built on top of sSOL-SOL liquidity. Similarly, LRTs are built on top of sSOL liquidity interface to generate vault strategies. There are various ways of utilizing sSOL and earning maximum yield as an sSOL holder. You can delegate to dApps to bootstrap network bandwidth or participate in DeFi strategies to earn additional APY, starting with our launch partners. There are various ways of utilizing sSOL and earning maximum yield as an sSOL Holder. You can delegate to dApps to bootstrap network bandwidth or participate in DeFi strategies to earn additional APY, starting with our launch partners. Now we will go through a couple of examples on how you can put your sSOL to work in AMMs, lending protocols, perpetual exchanges, and more. Liquidity Vaults on Kamino Kamino’s liquidity vaults are an automated liquidity solution that allows users to earn yield on their crypto assets by providing liquidity to concentrated liquidity market makers (CLMMs). A vault deploys liquidity into an underlying DEX pool, consisting of 2 tokens. When you deposit into a vault, you earn fees from trading volume. In other words, if you deposit into a pool with sSOL and SOL, any token swaps that utilize that pool will incur a small cost to the swapper. As a Kamino depositor, you earn from that swap fee. Vault Capital Deposit Example Situation: You have 100 sSOL worth $10,000 USD. You want to earn yield on your assets without active management. Use Case: Deposit your sSOL into a Kamino vault. Your sSOL will provide liquidity to a DEX, earning fees from trading volume. Kamino automates rebalancing and compounding, maximizing your yield. Benefit: Earn yield passively while maintaining exposure to sSOL. Liquidity Provision on Orca Orca utilizes a Concentrated Liquidity Automated Market Maker (CLAMM) to enhance capital efficiency and yield for liquidity providers. By providing liquidity to Orca’s pools, users can earn yield on their crypto assets through trading fees. When you provide liquidity to an Orca pool, such as the sSOL-SOL pair, you earn fees from each token swap within that pool. This means if you deposit sSOL and SOL into the pool, any trades that occur between these tokens will generate fees, which are distributed to you as a liquidity provider. Orca automates this process, ensuring optimal capital efficiency and low slippage. LP Example Situation: You have 100 sSOL worth $10,000 USD. You want to earn yield on your assets without active management. Use Case: Deposit your sSOL and an equivalent amount of SOL into an Orca CLAMM pool. Your sSOL and SOL will provide liquidity to the DEX, earning fees from trading volume. Orca’s advanced CLAMM technology will ensure that your assets are utilized efficiently, maximizing your returns. Benefit: Earn yield passively from trading fees while maintaining exposure to both sSOL and SOL.
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1 SSOL 兌換 VND | ₫3,324,355.65 |
1 SSOL 兌換 AUD | A$206.1435 |
1 SSOL 兌換 GBP | £99.8305 |
1 SSOL 兌換 EUR | €119.278 |
1 SSOL 兌換 USD | $129.65 |
1 SSOL 兌換 MYR | RM574.3495 |
1 SSOL 兌換 TRY | ₺4,745.19 |
1 SSOL 兌換 JPY | ¥19,163.5665 |
1 SSOL 兌換 RUB | ₽11,182.3125 |
1 SSOL 兌換 INR | ₹11,269.178 |
1 SSOL 兌換 IDR | Rp2,125,409.496 |
1 SSOL 兌換 KRW | ₩188,443.682 |
1 SSOL 兌換 PHP | ₱7,436.724 |
1 SSOL 兌換 EGP | £E.6,566.7725 |
1 SSOL 兌換 BRL | R$751.97 |
1 SSOL 兌換 CAD | C$186.696 |
1 SSOL 兌換 BDT | ৳15,751.1785 |
1 SSOL 兌換 NGN | ₦200,385.7435 |
1 SSOL 兌換 UAH | ₴5,381.7715 |
1 SSOL 兌換 VES | Bs8,297.6 |
1 SSOL 兌換 PKR | Rs36,295.5175 |
1 SSOL 兌換 KZT | ₸63,803.358 |
1 SSOL 兌換 THB | ฿4,370.5015 |
1 SSOL 兌換 TWD | NT$4,275.857 |
1 SSOL 兌換 AED | د.إ475.8155 |
1 SSOL 兌換 CHF | Fr114.092 |
1 SSOL 兌換 HKD | HK$1,007.3805 |
1 SSOL 兌換 MAD | .د.م1,256.3085 |
1 SSOL 兌換 MXN | $2,604.6685 |