Pi Network 價格 (PI)
今天 Pi Network (PI) 的實時價格爲 48.51 USD。目前其市值爲 $ 0.00 USD。PI 兌換 USD 的價格爲實時更新。
Pi Network 的主要市場表現:
- 24 小時交易量爲 $ 273.19K USD
- Pi Network 當天價格變化爲 -2.77%
- 其循環供應量爲 0.00 USD
在獲取 MEXC 上從 PI兌換USD 價格的實時價格更新。隨時了解最新數據和市場分析。這對於在快節奏的加密貨幣市場中做出明智的交易決策至關重要。MEXC 是您獲取準確的 PI 價格信息的首選平臺。
今天內,Pi Network 兌換 USD 的價格漲跌幅爲 $ -1.38662159374786。
在過去30天內,Pi Network 兌換 USD 的價格漲跌幅爲 $ -8.4460227390。
在過去60天內,Pi Network 兌換 USD 的價格漲跌幅爲 $ -3.2938241490。
在過去90天內,Pi Network 兌換 USD 的價格漲跌幅爲 $ +5.90533822468201。
時間段 | 漲跌幅 (USD) | 漲跌幅 (%) |
今日 | $ -1.38662159374786 | -2.77% |
30天 | $ -8.4460227390 | -17.41% |
60天 | $ -3.2938241490 | -6.78% |
90天 | $ +5.90533822468201 | +13.86% |
Pi Network 的最新價格分析:24 小時最低價和最高價、ATH 和每日變化:
深入了解市場統計數據:市值、24 小時交易量和供應量:
What is Pi Network? Pi Network is a novel cryptocurrency and developer platform that (1) allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining the device’s battery, reducing the environmental impact, and (2) fosters the world’s most accessible and ubiquitous apps platform where developers can offer users real life utilities and products in exchange for Pi coins. With its 30+ million engaged user base (as of December 2021) that allows anyone to mine straight from their smartphones, Pi Network strives to bring real economic power back to the masses. Pi’s blockchain secures not only economic transactions via a mobile meritocracy system but also a full Web 3.0 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users. Who developed Pi Network? Pi Network is founded by Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis and Dr. Chengdiao Fan — two Stanford PhD’s in computational engineering and social sciences. Dr. Kokkalis, in addition to developing/founding several startups and human-centered technologies in the past, teaches a Stanford’s computer science class on Decentralized Applications on Blockchain. Dr. Fan, receiving her PhD in computational anthropology, has also worked as a founding developer of several startups and projects around scaling social communications and surfacing untapped social capital for people everywhere. Both are strong and long term believers of the technical, financial and social potential of cryptocurrencies, but frustrated by their current limitations. To resolve traditional blockchains’ shortcomings, they employ a user-centric design philosophy that turns the development process of new blockchains upside down. What makes Pi Network unique? Pi’s blockchain uses an adaptation of the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) — an instantiation of the Federated Byzantine Agreement — to validate transactions. Compared to traditional blockchain mining methods like proof of work or stake, Pi’s protocol uniquely provides decentralized control, low latency, flexible trust and asymptotic security at a fraction of the environmental cost. In short, fault tolerance is achieved through a decentralized web of nodes reaching consensus via a trust network of mobile users who validate their daily presence and vouch for others’ authenticity in the network to earn Pi. Environmental impact is vastly lowered since this method does not require energy-intensive hardware to mine. Pi Network’s robust economic design is built on an intuitive and transparent model, facilitating Pi coins as a medium of exchange without token concentration. Key tenets include fair distribution (every user has the same base mining rate), scarcity (the mining rate decreases as more people join), and meritocracy (rewards are distributed based on contributions to the network). Pi Network’s developer platform also offers numerous qualities that may interest developers. As the world’s largest identity-authenticated userbase, Pi Network has pre-built infrastructures such as a crypto wallet, user authentication, notifications, deep linking, app interoperability and many other functionalities in its pipeline. Its App Engine uses an operating system similar to Apple’s iOS, with a secure blockchain component. Community developers can incorporate Pi’s SDK and user-authentication measures into their apps, enabling Pioneers to seamlessly integrate into the Pi ecosystem and move back and forth between different interoperable apps without logging in separately or providing other contact information. Are Pi coins available for sale? Pi Network is currently transitioning from Testnet to Mainnet, where Pi coins will eventually become available for public sale. The Network is NOT having any ICOs or any type of crowdfunding, and any sales of Pi are unauthorized and have no affiliation with Pi Network. Those wishing to join Pi Network can download the mobile application from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and start mining.
MEXC是領先的加密貨幣交易所,受到全球超過 1,000 萬用戶的信賴。它被譽爲市場上代幣選擇最廣泛、上幣速度最快、交易費用最低的交易所。立即加入MEXC,體驗市場頂級流動性和最具競爭力的費用!
加密貨幣的價格會受到高市場風險和價格波動的影響。您應該投資於您熟悉的項目和產品,並了解其中的風險。您應該仔細考慮你的投資經驗、財務狀況、投資目標和風險承受能力,並在進行任何投資之前諮詢獨立財務顧問。本材料不應被理解為財務建議。過往的表現並不是未來表現的可靠指標。您的投資價值可能下降,也可能上升,而且您可能無法收回您的投資金額。您要對您的投資決定負全責。 MEXC不對您的任何可能產生的損失負責。欲了解更多信息,請參考我們的使用條款和風險警告。 另請注意,這裡介紹的與上述加密貨幣有關的數據(如其當前的實時價格)是基於第三方來源的。它們以 "原樣 "的的方式呈現給您,僅用於提供信息,不作任何形式的陳述或保證。所提供的第三方網站的鏈接也不在MEXC的控制之下。 MEXC不對此類第三方網站及其內容的可靠性和準確性負責。
1 PI 兌換 AUD | A$78.5862 |
1 PI 兌換 GBP | £39.7782 |
1 PI 兌換 EUR | €47.0547 |
1 PI 兌換 USD | $48.51 |
1 PI 兌換 MYR | RM218.295 |
1 PI 兌換 TRY | ₺1,718.7093 |
1 PI 兌換 JPY | ¥7,642.7505 |
1 PI 兌換 RUB | ₽5,012.5383 |
1 PI 兌換 INR | ₹4,177.1961 |
1 PI 兌換 IDR | Rp795,245.7744 |
1 PI 兌換 PHP | ₱2,844.1413 |
1 PI 兌換 EGP | £E.2,454.1209 |
1 PI 兌換 BRL | R$297.3663 |
1 PI 兌換 CAD | C$69.8544 |
1 PI 兌換 BDT | ৳5,951.6919 |
1 PI 兌換 NGN | ₦75,442.752 |
1 PI 兌換 UAH | ₴2,063.1303 |
1 PI 兌換 VES | Bs2,571.03 |
1 PI 兌換 PKR | Rs13,588.1361 |
1 PI 兌換 KZT | ₸25,748.1378 |
1 PI 兌換 THB | ฿1,684.2672 |
1 PI 兌換 TWD | NT$1,606.1661 |
1 PI 兌換 CHF | Fr44.1441 |
1 PI 兌換 HKD | HK$377.4078 |
1 PI 兌換 MAD | .د.م489.951 |