Libertarian Dog 价格 (LIBERTA)
今天 Libertarian Dog (LIBERTA) 的实时价格为 0.00018878 USD。目前其市值为 $ 0.00 USD。LIBERTA 兑换 USD 的价格为实时更新。
Libertarian Dog 的主要市场表现:
- 24 小时交易量为 $ 393.71K USD
- Libertarian Dog 当天价格变化为 -10.61%
- 其循环供应量为 0.00 USD
在获取 MEXC 上从 LIBERTA兑换USD 价格的实时价格更新。随时了解最新数据和市场分析。这对于在快节奏的加密货币市场中做出明智的交易决策至关重要。MEXC 是您获取准确的 LIBERTA 价格信息的首选平台。
今天内,Libertarian Dog 兑换 USD 的价格涨跌幅为 $ 0。
在过去30天内,Libertarian Dog 兑换 USD 的价格涨跌幅为 $ -0.0001538065。
在过去60天内,Libertarian Dog 兑换 USD 的价格涨跌幅为 $ -0.0001706238。
在过去90天内,Libertarian Dog 兑换 USD 的价格涨跌幅为 $ -0.0010504635498145308。
时间段 | 涨跌幅 (USD) | 涨跌幅 (%) |
今日 | $ 0 | -10.61% |
30天 | $ -0.0001538065 | -81.47% |
60天 | $ -0.0001706238 | -90.38% |
90天 | $ -0.0010504635498145308 | -84.76% |
Libertarian Dog 的最新价格分析:24 小时最低价和最高价、ATH 和每日变化:
深入了解市场统计数据:市值、24 小时交易量和供应量:
Welcome to $Liberta, the Libertarian Dog Coin on the Solana blockchain! Liberta is Latin and means "a woman that is freed from slavery" $Liberta is more than just a cryptocurrency; it is a movement dedicated to increasing personal freedom by challenging the traditional concept of government-issued money. Our mission is to empower individuals by replacing state-controlled currencies with money issued by citizens, fostering an environment where financial autonomy and liberty can thrive. In a world where centralized financial systems often limit our freedom, $Liberta stands as a beacon of hope and change. Built on the fast, secure, and scalable Solana blockchain, $Liberta aims to provide an alternative financial ecosystem that is both efficient and liberating. By leveraging the power of decentralization, $Liberta enables users to take control of their finances, ensuring that money serves the people, not the other way around. Join us in this revolutionary journey towards a more free and just financial world. With $Liberta, we're not just creating a new currency; we're building a community that values liberty, autonomy, and the true spirit of decentralized finance. Embrace the future with $Liberta and be a part of the change you wish to see in the world.
MEXC是领先的加密货币交易所,受到全球超过 1,000 万用户的信赖。它被誉为市场上代币选择最广泛、上币速度最快、交易费用最低的交易所。立即加入MEXC,体验市场顶级流动性和最具竞争力的费用!
加密货币的价格会受到高市场风险和价格波动的影响。您应该投资于您熟悉的项目和产品,并了解其中的风险。您应该仔细考虑你的投资经验、财务状况、投资目标和风险承受能力,并在进行任何投资之前咨询独立财务顾问。本材料不应被理解为财务建议。过往的表现并不是未来表现的可靠指标。您的投资价值可能下降,也可能上升,而且您可能无法收回您的投资金额。您要对您的投资决定负全责。MEXC不对您的任何可能产生的损失负责。欲了解更多信息,请参考我们的使用条款和风险警告。 另请注意,这里介绍的与上述加密货币有关的数据(如其当前的实时价格)是基于第三方来源的。它们以 "原样 "的的方式呈现给您,仅用于提供信息,不作任何形式的陈述或保证。所提供的第三方网站的链接也不在MEXC的控制之下。MEXC不对此类第三方网站及其内容的可靠性和准确性负责。
1 LIBERTA 兑换 AUD | A$0.000302048 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 GBP | £0.0001491362 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 EUR | €0.000179341 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 USD | $0.00018878 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 MYR | RM0.0008438466 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 TRY | ₺0.0066488316 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 JPY | ¥0.029770606 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 RUB | ₽0.0198917486 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 INR | ₹0.0161444656 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 IDR | Rp3.0448382834 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 PHP | ₱0.0109888838 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 EGP | £E.0.0096013508 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 BRL | R$0.0011666604 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 CAD | C$0.0002699554 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 BDT | ৳0.022521454 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 NGN | ₦0.2922276644 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 UAH | ₴0.0079023308 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 VES | Bs0.00962778 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 PKR | Rs0.0524676254 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 KZT | ₸0.0976615574 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 THB | ฿0.0064128566 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 TWD | NT$0.0061995352 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 CHF | Fr0.000169902 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 HKD | HK$0.0014649328 |
1 LIBERTA 兑换 MAD | .د.م0.0018991268 |