Impossible Finance 价格 (IF)
今天 Impossible Finance (IF) 的实时价格为 0.00637717 USD。目前其市值为 $ 64.33K USD。IF 兑换 USD 的价格为实时更新。
Impossible Finance 的主要市场表现:
- 24 小时交易量为 $ 64.04 USD
- Impossible Finance 当天价格变化为 -0.19%
- 其循环供应量为 10.09M USD
在获取 MEXC 上从 IF兑换USD 价格的实时价格更新。随时了解最新数据和市场分析。这对于在快节奏的加密货币市场中做出明智的交易决策至关重要。MEXC 是您获取准确的 IF 价格信息的首选平台。
今天内,Impossible Finance 兑换 USD 的价格涨跌幅为 $ 0。
在过去30天内,Impossible Finance 兑换 USD 的价格涨跌幅为 $ -0.0003980495。
在过去60天内,Impossible Finance 兑换 USD 的价格涨跌幅为 $ -0.0020833264。
在过去90天内,Impossible Finance 兑换 USD 的价格涨跌幅为 $ -0.003146893925313438。
时间段 | 涨跌幅 (USD) | 涨跌幅 (%) |
今日 | $ 0 | -0.19% |
30天 | $ -0.0003980495 | -6.24% |
60天 | $ -0.0020833264 | -32.66% |
90天 | $ -0.003146893925313438 | -33.04% |
Impossible Finance 的最新价格分析:24 小时最低价和最高价、ATH 和每日变化:
深入了解市场统计数据:市值、24 小时交易量和供应量:
The first two Impossible Finance products revolve around yield & autonomous community creation. Versus TradFi’s low yields, defi yield protocols have been a killer app, but impermanent loss still looms large. Instead, focusing on low-IL asset pools such as EUR and JPY stablecoins, where central banks have negative interest rates, or non-dividend yielding synthetics (hint: high growth stocks don’t have dividends) like synthetic TSLA, we propose the first wave of “Impossible Yield” products powered by our stablecoin swap, StableXswap. Taking a page out of Aave & Synthetix’ playbook, this also encourages us to integrate many synthetic assets, lending protocols, and cross-chain solutions to aggregate liquidity. This yield generated from stable EUR, JPY, or TSLA pools is unbeatable by TradFi, at least until the ECB changes policies, the Japanese population pyramid inverts, or Elon Musk changes his website’s FAQ. In early 2021, we saw Wall Street Bets clash with Robinhood & hedge funds, putting emphasis on addressing retail users’ needs without sacrificing user autonomy. Beyond avoiding business models that actively harm users (i.e. selling flow to frontrunners, or hiding spreads to mask fees), why would you ever accept dividendless holdings when defi can give you yield? That’s Impossible Finance: we’re hellbent on providing better financial instruments for the world. The second release of Impossible Finance products tackle crypto’s best killer app: fundraising. In the wake of 2017 ICO scams, Vitalik posited DAICOs, (DAO + ICOs), where project teams could raise smart- contract vested funds, provided they achieve certain milestones. Governors determined whether the team was still building, or else refund investors. However, 2018 lacked robust governance and voting portals (, let alone real products to invest in. Today, we propose the launch of self-sustaining- initial-dex-offerings, or SSIDOs. With the power of yield from our AMMs and partner protocols, a team that raises $10M with a $2M burn rate can be self-sustaining with just 20% APY, creating a new raise once, build forever model. The Andre’s of the world can find capital & liquidity and no longer need to rely on cexes and rent-seeking private investment funds to pay the bills. Meanwhile, vesting stable LP tokens from the fundraise stay within our AMM, which creates sticky TVL. Teams that raise via this system get automatically transparent banking, while traders get access to steady liquidity, anti-rugpull peace of mind. Our mission at Impossible Finance will be to continue finding win-wins for traders, investors, projects, and protocols alike.
MEXC是领先的加密货币交易所,受到全球超过 1,000 万用户的信赖。它被誉为市场上代币选择最广泛、上币速度最快、交易费用最低的交易所。立即加入MEXC,体验市场顶级流动性和最具竞争力的费用!
加密货币的价格会受到高市场风险和价格波动的影响。您应该投资于您熟悉的项目和产品,并了解其中的风险。您应该仔细考虑你的投资经验、财务状况、投资目标和风险承受能力,并在进行任何投资之前咨询独立财务顾问。本材料不应被理解为财务建议。过往的表现并不是未来表现的可靠指标。您的投资价值可能下降,也可能上升,而且您可能无法收回您的投资金额。您要对您的投资决定负全责。MEXC不对您的任何可能产生的损失负责。欲了解更多信息,请参考我们的使用条款和风险警告。 另请注意,这里介绍的与上述加密货币有关的数据(如其当前的实时价格)是基于第三方来源的。它们以 "原样 "的的方式呈现给您,仅用于提供信息,不作任何形式的陈述或保证。所提供的第三方网站的链接也不在MEXC的控制之下。MEXC不对此类第三方网站及其内容的可靠性和准确性负责。
1 IF 兑换 VND | ₫163.51701597 |
1 IF 兑换 AUD | A$0.0101397003 |
1 IF 兑换 GBP | £0.0049104209 |
1 IF 兑换 EUR | €0.0058669964 |
1 IF 兑换 USD | $0.00637717 |
1 IF 兑换 MYR | RM0.0282508631 |
1 IF 兑换 TRY | ₺0.233404422 |
1 IF 兑换 JPY | ¥0.9426094977 |
1 IF 兑换 RUB | ₽0.5500309125 |
1 IF 兑换 INR | ₹0.5543036164 |
1 IF 兑换 IDR | Rp104.5437537648 |
1 IF 兑换 KRW | ₩9.2690890516 |
1 IF 兑换 PHP | ₱0.3657944712 |
1 IF 兑换 EGP | £E.0.3230036605 |
1 IF 兑换 BRL | R$0.036987586 |
1 IF 兑换 CAD | C$0.0091831248 |
1 IF 兑换 BDT | ৳0.7747623833 |
1 IF 兑换 NGN | ₦9.8564901803 |
1 IF 兑换 UAH | ₴0.2647163267 |
1 IF 兑换 VES | Bs0.40813888 |
1 IF 兑换 PKR | Rs1.7852887415 |
1 IF 兑换 KZT | ₸3.1383329004 |
1 IF 兑换 THB | ฿0.2149744007 |
1 IF 兑换 TWD | NT$0.2103190666 |
1 IF 兑换 AED | د.إ0.0234042139 |
1 IF 兑换 CHF | Fr0.0056119096 |
1 IF 兑换 HKD | HK$0.0495506109 |
1 IF 兑换 MAD | .د.م0.0617947773 |
1 IF 兑换 MXN | $0.1281173453 |