Airdrop+ / AVL

Sätt in/handla AVL för att vinna belöningar


Dela 152,000 AVL & 50,000 USDT

Evenemanget startar
2025-02-11 10:00
AVL har noterats
2025-02-12 10:00
Evenemanget slutar
2025-02-25 10:00
Tid för belöningsutdelning
Inom 10 kalenderdagar efter att evenemanget avslutas

Uppgifter för nya användare

Sätta in/handla för att dela på 100,000 AVL

Gör en nettoinsättning på 160 AVL eller 100 USDT

Insatt 0 AVL
Insatt 0 USDT

Slutför spot- eller terminsaffärer för att tjäna belöningar

Handla AVL/USDT på spotmarknaden
  • Ackumulera ≥ 100 USDT i effektiv handelsvolym
  • De första 2000 användarna får dela på 50,000 AVL i belöningar
Avslutad 0%
Handla AVL USDT på terminsmarknaden
  • Ackumulera ≥ 500 USDT i effektiv handelsvolym
  • De första 2000 användarna får dela på 50,000 AVL i belöningar
Avslutad 0%

Utmaning för spothandel

Handla AVL/USDT för att dela på 6,500 AVL

During the event, trade AVL/USDT spot pairs with a total valid trading volume of ≥ $2,000 to share 6,500 AVL based on your proportion of the total trading volume. The higher your trading volume, the greater your share. Each user can receive a maximum reward of 650 AVL. (Only spot trades with fees > 0 will be counted.)

Lägsta handelsvolymsutveckling

- - / 2,000 USDT

Min handelsvolym på spotmarknaden (USDT)

- -

Utmaning för terminshandel

Handla terminer för att dela på 50,000 USDT Terminsbonus

During the event, the first 2,000 users to trade any Perpetual Futures and accumulate a total valid Futures trading volume of ≥ 20,000 USDT will share a prize pool of 50,000 USDT in Futures bonuses. Each user can earn up to 5,000 USDT in Futures bonuses, with a minimum reward of 10 USDT. (Futures trades with zero fees are excluded from the calculation.)

Lägsta handelsvolymsutveckling

- - / 20,000 USDT

Min volym för terminshandel (USDT)

- -



Bjud in nya användare att dela på 45,500 AVL

Om du är en befintlig MEXC-användare kan du bjuda in nya användare att registrera sig och få en del av belöningspotten på 45,500 AVL! Följ bara dessa två enkla steg:

1. Dela din referenslänk med vänner och bjud in dem att registrera sig på MEXC.

2. Se till att dina inbjudna deltagare framgångsrikt slutför någon av de uppgifter som anges i Evenemang 1.

Ingen ytterligare registrering krävs. När en ny användare registrerar sig med din referenskod och slutför någon uppgift i Evenemang 1 får du 25 AVL. Belöningarna har ett tak på 500 AVL per hänvisare och delas ut enligt principen först till kvarn.

  • 1. New users are defined as those who signed up during the event or had a total deposit of less than $100 before the event (including on-chain, fiat, and P2P deposits).
  • 2. Market Makers and Institutional users are not eligible to participate or receive rewards.
  • 3. Participants in Event 1 must complete advanced KYC verification, while participants in other events must complete primary KYC verification minimally before the event ends to qualify for rewards.
  • 4. Participants must click [Register to Join] on the event page to participate in the events mentioned above. For the Invite & Earn event, referrers are not required to register.
  • 5. In Event 1, deposits are considered as net deposits, calculated as: Net Deposit = Deposit - Withdrawal. Deposits made via P2P, OTC, and on-chain transactions are all considered valid. Any on-chain withdrawals, internal transfers, or cash-outs via P2P & OTC will be counted as withdrawals. If a user’s net deposit at the end of the event is below the required amount, they will not qualify for rewards.
  • 6. Each new MEXC user can only receive the "New User Exclusive" reward from Airdrop+ events once. Rewards will be issued in the order of distribution dates. For example, if a user completes Event 1 for projects A, B, and C, and Project A's reward distribution date is earlier than B or C, they will participate in the prize pool for A. If they receive a reward for A, they will no longer be eligible for rewards from B or C. Otherwise, they will proceed to participate in the prize pool for B, and so forth.
  • 7. Upon successful registration, the system will automatically track deposits and trading volumes throughout the entire event period, not just from the time of registration. Only USDT-quoted trading pairs are counted; trading pairs quoted in other tokens are excluded.
  • 8. For the Trading Challenge, only trades with fees greater than zero will be counted.
  • 9. Each user can only receive one reward for the Trading Challenge within the same period. If a user registers for multiple Airdrop+ events, they will only receive the reward for the first Airdrop+ event where they meet the required trading volume. However, any additional Futures trading volume will still count toward rewards in other Airdrop+ events the user participates in.
  • 10. The completion status for the "Trading Challenge" will not be displayed on the page. However, trading volume will be automatically tracked and calculated.
  • 11. Event rewards will be distributed within 10 calendar days after the event concludes. Token rewards will be airdropped to users' Spot accounts, and the Futures bonus (valid for 14 days) will be airdropped to their Futures accounts. The bonus can be used as margin for placing orders, with any profits earned available for withdrawal.
  • 12. Participation in the event is entirely voluntary and does not constitute investment advice.
  • 13. Participants must strictly adhere to the Terms of Service. MEXC reserves the right to disqualify users suspected of wash trading, bulk account registrations, self-trading, or market manipulation during the event.
  • 14. MEXC reserves the right to modify the terms of this event without prior notice.
  • 15. MEXC reserves the right of final interpretation for this event. If you have any questions, please contact the customer service team.