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BSL Data Display in MEXC Futures Trading

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2024.09.26 MEXC
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BSL refers to long and short liquidation data. Currently, the MEXC platform supports historical BSL data displays for both candlestick and line K-line charts for futures trading. Users can choose to go long or short in futures trading based on their judgment, and the long-short ratio data is frequently used in cryptocurrency trading to assess market trends and guide trading decisions.

1. What is the Long-Short Ratio?

In cryptocurrency trading, the long-short ratio refers to the ratio of the number of traders holding long positions (bullish) to those holding short positions (bearish) during a specific time period. A long position refers to a position held with the expectation that prices will rise, while a short position is held with the expectation that prices will fall.

The long-short ratio can be used to gauge market sentiment and trends. When the proportion of long positions is higher than short positions, it indicates a bullish market sentiment, potentially signaling an upward price trend. Conversely, when the proportion of short positions exceeds long positions, market sentiment leans bearish, possibly indicating a downward price trend.

MEXC provides multi-dimensional long-short ratio data. You can read "Futures Data Analysis" for more details.

2. Long-Short Data Display in MEXC Futures Trading

In MEXC futures trading, the BSL data is displayed consistently in both candlestick and line charts. Here, we use the candlestick chart as an example for demonstration.

2.1 Web

On the futures trading page, right-click on the K-line chart, select [Display settings], and check the "Order History" option. The K-line chart will then display past trading records. Long positions are indicated by "B" and short positions by "S", as shown in the image below.

When you hover your mouse over the "B" or "S" markers, the corresponding order information will appear. For example, as shown in the image below, hovering over the "S" marker displays information for 10 trades with an average selling price of 55,262.9. By clicking [More], you can see detailed information about these 10 orders, including filled time, filled quantity, filled price, direction, and trading fees.

2.2 App

1) Open the MEXC app and tap on [Futures] to enter the trading page.
2) Tap the K-line chart button in the upper right corner to enter the K-line page.
3) Tap the settings button in the upper right corner.
4) Check "Order History" and the K-line chart will display past trading records. Long positions are indicated by "B" and short positions by "S".
5) Clicking on the "B" or "S" markers will bring up the corresponding order information as shown in the image. By clicking "Buy" or "Sell" on the pop-up, you will be redirected to the "Order & Trade History" page under "Futures Orders", where you can view the detailed information of that order.

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