오늘 ISLAMICOIN (ISLAMI)의 실시간 가격은 0.00007178 USD이며, 현재 시가총액은 $ 209.12K USD 입니다. ISLAMI에서 USD로의 가격은 실시간으로 업데이트됩니다.
주요 ISLAMICOIN 시장 성과:
- 24시간 거래량 $ 2.10 USD
- ISLAMICOIN의 당일 가격 변동 -0.00%
- 유통 공급량 2.91B USD
MEXC에서 ISLAMI에서 USD로의 가격에 대한 실시간 가격 업데이트를 받아보세요. 최신 데이터와 시장 분석을 통해 최신 정보를 확인하세요. 빠르게 변화하는 암호화폐 시장에서 현명한 거래 결정을 내리는 데 필수적입니다. MEXC는 정확한 ISLAMI 가격 정보를 제공하는 플랫폼입니다.
오늘 ISLAMICOIN에서 USD로의 가격 변동 $ 0.
지난 30일간 ISLAMICOIN에서 USD로의 가격 변동 $ -0.0000100033.
지난 60일간 ISLAMICOIN에서 USD로의 가격 변동 $ -0.0000129370.
지난 90일간 ISLAMICOIN에서 USD로의 가격 변동 $ -0.0000229702509595192.
기간 | 변동률 (USD) | 변동률 (%) |
오늘 | $ 0 | -0.00% |
30일 | $ -0.0000100033 | -13.93% |
60일 | $ -0.0000129370 | -18.02% |
90일 | $ -0.0000229702509595192 | -24.24% |
ISLAMICOIN 최신 가격 분석: 24시간 최저가 및 최고가, ATH 및 일일 변동:
시장 통계 데이터 자세히 알아보기: 시가총액, 24시간 거래량 및 공급량:
"What Is ISLAMICOIN ISLAMICOIN is a cryptocurrency creating a solution to financial independence for the future of the Global Muslim community aiming to assert its presence in the top financial markets. Built on Blockchain technology, ISLAMICOIN token is a leading independent coin in the evolving world of cryptocurrency, where the efforts of the Muslim communities will be gathered and united to achieve strong Islamic economy. Furthermore, ISLAMICOIN will eventually be built and housed exclusively on an Islami Blockchain that will grow and prove its competency and presence in the worldwide financial trading platforms along with creating an online marketplace that will empower future e-commerce businesses and transactions with trust, transparency, and minimal fees. This development of a unique platform allows for a broad extensive tokenization for individuals, organizations, corporations as well as decentralized finances (DeFi). ISLAMICOIN will be in compliance with the values and ethics of the Islamic religion through integrating the success of ISLAMICOIN with the main pillars of Islam, this means an investment in ISLAMICOIN is also an investment in humanitarian and charitable causes around the globe. ISLAMICOIN will be a reliable blockchain encompassing the organizations, businesses and companies working under Islamic finance, promoting Halal products, noble causes and services. ISLAMICOIN will offer an environment where online transactions using your digital wallet are easily made, using computers or mobile devices. Our services will help sellers meet consumer expectations, along with powerful product search and display. Who We Are ISLAMICOIN is run by a network of professionals spread around the world, including team leaders and successful businessmen and entrepreneurs in the fields of finance, cryptocurrency, media and trade. In comparison to other blockchain based projects, the greatest advantage of ISLAMICOIN is being supported by brilliant and trusted names and brands in the world of Muslim finance, organizations, companies, businesses and charities around the world. This worldwide involvement of the Muslim world will prompt the establishment of a network for tokenization that can be easily used by individuals, as well as professionals and corporations. The ISLAMICOIN project is the first program aimed to the crypto investors community but also to every Muslim individual and family, allowing them to trade, invest, and learn about crypto assets. Built and devised based on the latest blockchain technology developed by Polygon chain, ISLAMICOIN is a cryptocurrency created to establish and launch a secure and reliable Islamic International currency uniting and gathering the Islamic world in its trade and commerce exchanges, financial transactions, production industry and culminating in the first ever online marketplace for e-commerce where buyers and sellers can directly connect and have an optimized online shopping experience. ISLAMICOIN was founded upon this principle: Empower the global Muslim community with a strong asset that allows fast, secure transactions and creates decentrelized financial independence. ISLAMICOIN will be a leading project in the Muslim world and will open a wide, secure and promising future for all the investors, businesses and individuals involved. An increase of 35% is expected in the global Muslim population by 2030, rising to 2.2 billion, and if the current trends continue, Muslims will make up 26.4% of the world’s population in 2030 according to reports and statistics. It is also well known that the proportion of the population up to 19 years of age is the highest among Muslims. Adding to that, surveys reveal that 94% of all cryptocurrency buyers are between 18-40 years old, and data shows that there’s a clear correlation between age and the possibility to buy cryptocurrency, proving that cryptocurrency ‘s major audience and market is a young one. ISLAMICOIN in all the projects and the future steps is relying on trusted market research and studies as well as a futuristic vision and trust in being a key partner for the Muslim communities and generations all over the world. ISLAMICOIN Contract ISLAMICOIN contract is deployed on “Polygon Technology” to provide the cheapest gas fees & high transaction speed for our investors. At the same time benefiting from all the security of Etheruem Block Chain. POLYGON is a protocol and a framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks. Aggregating scalable solutions on Ethereum supporting a multi-chain Ethereum ecosystem. ISLAMICOIN contract is built on solidity version 0.8.4 (latest stable version), the contract code will be available on github https://github/islamiblockchain & Polygon Scan. All code is visible and can be reviewed by anyone. ISLAMICOIN contract is the first contract that introduce Charity percentage (2.5%) for every transaction, which is paid by the contract itself not the investor because interest considered Haram in Islam. Charity percentage is paid from ISLAMICOIN contract to a new contract called Bayt Al-Mal which tokens will be locked for 1 year before distribution for charities after ISLAMICOIN community votes on eligible ones."
MEXC는 전 세계 천만 명 이상의 사용자가 신뢰하는 선도적인 암호화폐 거래소입니다. 가장 다양한 토큰 선택, 가장 빠른 토큰 상장, 시장에서 가장 낮은 거래 수수료를 제공하는 거래소로 유명합니다. 지금 MEXC에 가입하여 업계 최고 수준의 유동성과 가장 경쟁력 있는 수수료를 경험해 보세요!
암호화폐 가격은 시장 위험도와 가격 변동률에 영향을 받습니다. 그러므로 프로젝트와 상품에 대해 잘 알아보고 수반된 위험까지 이해한 후에 투자해야 합니다. 투자 전에는 항상 투자 경험, 재정 상황, 투자 대상, 위험 감수 정도를 신중히 고려하고 독립적인 재정 고문과 상의하세요. 본 자료를 재정적 조언으로 해석하지 마세요. 미래 실적을 과거의 실적으로 예측할 수 없습니다. 투자 가치는 하락할 수도, 상승할 수도 있습니다. 또한, 투자 금액을 잃을 위험도 존재합니다. 투자 결정에 대한 책임은 전적으로 본인에게 있습니다. MEXC는 발생할 수 있는 손해에 대해 책임지지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 사용 약관 및 위험 경고를 참고하세요. 본 페이지 상단의 암호화폐 관련 정보(현재 실시간 가격 등)는 제 3자에게서 얻은 것입니다. 관련 정보는 정보 제공만을 위한 것이며, 어떠한 표현이나 보증 없이 ‘그대로’ 제공됩니다. 제 3자 사이트에 제공된 링크도 MEXC의 관리하에 있지 않습니다. MEXC는 제 3자 사이트와 콘텐츠의 신뢰성과 정확성에 대해 책임지지 않습니다.
1 ISLAMI에서 VND | ₫1.84051098 |
1 ISLAMI에서 AUD | A$0.0001141302 |
1 ISLAMI에서 GBP | £0.0000552706 |
1 ISLAMI에서 EUR | €0.0000660376 |
1 ISLAMI에서 USD | $0.00007178 |
1 ISLAMI에서 MYR | RM0.0003179854 |
1 ISLAMI에서 TRY | ₺0.002627148 |
1 ISLAMI에서 JPY | ¥0.0105925746 |
1 ISLAMI에서 RUB | ₽0.006180258 |
1 ISLAMI에서 INR | ₹0.006241271 |
1 ISLAMI에서 IDR | Rp1.1767211232 |
1 ISLAMI에서 KRW | ₩0.104482968 |
1 ISLAMI에서 PHP | ₱0.0041180186 |
1 ISLAMI에서 EGP | £E.0.0036349392 |
1 ISLAMI에서 BRL | R$0.0004170418 |
1 ISLAMI에서 CAD | C$0.0001033632 |
1 ISLAMI에서 BDT | ৳0.0087205522 |
1 ISLAMI에서 NGN | ₦0.1109424502 |
1 ISLAMI에서 UAH | ₴0.0029795878 |
1 ISLAMI에서 VES | Bs0.00459392 |
1 ISLAMI에서 PKR | Rs0.020094811 |
1 ISLAMI에서 KZT | ₸0.0353243736 |
1 ISLAMI에서 THB | ฿0.0024168326 |
1 ISLAMI에서 TWD | NT$0.0023680222 |
1 ISLAMI에서 AED | د.إ0.0002634326 |
1 ISLAMI에서 CHF | Fr0.0000631664 |
1 ISLAMI에서 HKD | HK$0.0005577306 |
1 ISLAMI에서 MAD | .د.م0.0006955482 |
1 ISLAMI에서 MXN | $0.0014420602 |