Invisible Friends is a collection of 5,000 animated illustrated NFT characters created by the Swedish animator Markus Magnusson.
MEXC splits 11 Invisible Friends NFTs into 11,000,000 NIFRIEND index tokens (1,000,000 NIFRIEND per NFT). The NIFRIEND index provides users with the opportunity to trade high-quality blue-chip NFTs at a low cost. If a user owns a sufficiently large percentage of the index, they can exchange their index holdings for one of the 11 Invisible Friends NFTs. MEXC will expand the collection from time to time according to market demand, and MEXC’s total position will not exceed 10%. MEXC Invisible Friends holding address: NIFRIENDの歴史やシステムの特徴、使い方などは、MEXCブログで紹介しております。