Wanchain 価格(WAN)
Wanchain(WAN)の本日のライブ価格は 0.20409 USD で、現在の時価総額は $ 40.49M USD です。WAN から USD の価格はリアルタイムで更新されます。
主な Wanchain 市場パフォーマンス:
- 24時間取引高は $ 769.43K USD
です- Wanchain 1日内の価格変動率は -1.55%
です- 循環供給量は 198.40M USD です
MEXCで WAN から USD 価格へのリアルタイム更新を入手しましょう。変化の速い暗号資産市場でスマートな取引決定を行うために不可欠な、最新データと市場分析情報を入手しましょう。MEXCは、最も正確な WAN 価格情報を提供するプラットフォームです。
本日の Wanchain から USD への価格変動率は $ -0.0032133218838129 です。
過去30日間における Wanchain から USD への価格変動率は $ -0.0671926119 です。
過去60日間における Wanchain から USD への価格変動率は $ +0.0184510217 です。
過去90日間における Wanchain から USD への価格変動率は $ +0.01424677304678446 です。
期間 | 変動率 (USD) | 変動率 (%) |
今日 | $ -0.0032133218838129 | -1.55% |
30日 | $ -0.0671926119 | -32.92% |
60日 | $ +0.0184510217 | +9.04% |
90日 | $ +0.01424677304678446 | +7.50% |
Wanchain の直近価格の分析をご覧ください:24h 最安値と最高値、ATH、日次変化:
Wanchain seeks to link the present to the future, through the exploration and implementation of blockchain technology. Wanchain aims to build a distributed “bank”. Just as traditional banks are the infrastructure of the current financial framework, Wanchain seeks to build a new, distributed infrastructure of digital assets to form an improved, modern framework - an ambitious goal indeed. Wanchain connects and exchanges value between different blockchain ledgers in a distributed manner. It uses the latest cryptographic theories to build a non-proprietary cross-chain protocol and a distributed ledger that records both cross-chain and intra-chain transactions. Any blockchain network, whether a public, private or consortium chain, can integrate with Wanchain to establish connections between different ledgers and perform low cost inter-ledger asset transfers. The Wanchain ledger supports not only smart contracts, but also token exchange privacy protection. With Wanchain, any institution or individual can set up their own virtual teller window in the “bank” and provide services such as loan origination, asset exchanges, credit payments and transaction settlements based on digital assets. Under the guarantee of “banks” based on the blockchain infrastructure, more people can participate in financial services based on digital assets. To describe it more accurately, Wanchain is a distributed super-financial market based on blockchain. Wanchain uses the Locked Account Generation Scheme to secure funds and keys when there are multiple parties involved. Based on Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme, it effectively breaks up a key into shares and distributes it to all included participants. The Storemen are responsible for maintaining and managing the appropriate key shares of the locked accounts for transactions. This method of key share distribution has a few benefits. Because Wanchain generates locked accounts through multi-party computations, there’s increased decentralization. And there’s more stability because you don’t need every key share to produce a signature for a locked account. If some of the Validators are offline, transactions can still be executed with a minimum number of shares. Finally, any transaction with a locked account is done via the original chain. This means that any chain can easily integrate and interact with Wanchain without the need for new transaction types or validators. The Wanchain Foundation is a non-profit organization primarily operating out of Singapore but also has a significant presence in Austin, TX. Wanchain was founded by Jack Lu, a respected player in the blockchain space. Before his current role, Lu co-founded Factom and started Wanglu Tech, a blockchain application development company. Wanglu Tech has been a primary contributor to the open-source Wanchain project. Dustin Byington serves as the Wanchain President. Byington is a blockchain veteran having founded Bitcoin College in 2014 as well as co-founding Tendermint, a software mechanism to securely and consistently replicate applications across machines. Byington also co-founded Satoshi Talent, a platform to connect blockchain entrepreneurs with developers. WAN tokens were initially distributed as ERC-20 tokens to ICO participants, but it’s now possible to exchange these for tokens on the Wanchain mainnet or buy them directly. It’s a common misconception that WAN is an ERC-20 coin. Wanchain is a pioneering and potentially disruptive project with its sights set on becoming a super financial market of the world. Although achieving its lofty goal(s) is going to require a lot more work, Wanchain is further along its roadmap than some projects. But there’s still a good bit of “in theory” going on here. As Wanchain is addressing the whole financial market, it has a number of competitors. Most notably Fusion, Pantos, Ark, and Qash; some may even consider big players the likes of Ripple, Stellar and Ethereum competitors. On the positive side, Wanchain has strong fundamentals, they’ve got a functional mainnet, the vitality of their use case is indisputable, the huge interest in their ICO showed a powerful vein of investor confidence, and the team has a track record of success.
暗号資産価格は高い市場リスクと価格変動の影響を受けます。投資に際しては、ご自身が精通し、そのリスクを理解しているプロジェクトや商品に投資してください。投資を行う前に、ご自身の投資経験、財務状況、投資目的、リスク許容度を慎重に検討し、外部の財務アドバイザーにご相談されることをお勧めします。本資料は財務アドバイスとして見なされるべきものではありません。過去の実績は将来の実績を示すものではありません。投資の価値が下がることもあれば上がることもあり、投資した金額を回収できない場合もあります。ご自身の投資判断については、ご自身の責任において行ってください。MEXCはユーザー様が被る可能性のある損失について責任を負いません。詳細については、利用規約とリスク告知をご覧ください。 また、上記の暗号資産に関するデータ(現在のライブ価格など)は、第三者の情報に基づいていることにご留意ください。これらは「現状のまま」かつ情報提供のみを目的としており、いかなる表明や保証を行うものではありません。第三者のサイトへのリンクもまた、MEXCの管理下にあるものではありません。MEXCは、このような第三者のサイトおよびそのコンテンツの信頼性および正確性について責任を負いません。
1 WAN を AUD に | A$0.3306258 |
1 WAN を GBP に | £0.1673538 |
1 WAN を EUR に | €0.1979673 |
1 WAN を USD に | $0.20409 |
1 WAN を MYR に | RM0.9204459 |
1 WAN を TRY に | ₺7.2309087 |
1 WAN を JPY に | ¥32.1094797 |
1 WAN を RUB に | ₽20.7722802 |
1 WAN を INR に | ₹17.5762308 |
1 WAN を IDR に | Rp3,345.7371696 |
1 WAN を PHP に | ₱11.9637558 |
1 WAN を EGP に | £E.10.3208313 |
1 WAN を BRL に | R$1.2490308 |
1 WAN を CAD に | C$0.2938896 |
1 WAN を BDT に | ৳25.0071477 |
1 WAN を NGN に | ₦317.400768 |
1 WAN を UAH に | ₴8.6677023 |
1 WAN を VES に | Bs10.81677 |
1 WAN を PKR に | Rs57.0880548 |
1 WAN を KZT に | ₸108.2125998 |
1 WAN を THB に | ฿7.0900866 |
1 WAN を TWD に | NT$6.7451745 |
1 WAN を CHF に | Fr0.1857219 |
1 WAN を HKD に | HK$1.5878202 |
1 WAN を MAD に | .د.م2.0592681 |