district0x 価格(DNT)
district0x(DNT)の本日のライブ価格は 0.03134641 USD で、現在の時価総額は $ 23.45M USD です。DNT から USD の価格はリアルタイムで更新されます。
主な district0x 市場パフォーマンス:
- 24時間取引高は $ 114.89K USD
です- district0x 1日内の価格変動率は -0.09%
です- 循環供給量は 751.22M USD です
MEXCで DNT から USD 価格へのリアルタイム更新を入手しましょう。変化の速い暗号資産市場でスマートな取引決定を行うために不可欠な、最新データと市場分析情報を入手しましょう。MEXCは、最も正確な DNT 価格情報を提供するプラットフォームです。
本日の district0x から USD への価格変動率は $ 0 です。
過去30日間における district0x から USD への価格変動率は $ -0.0047045287 です。
過去60日間における district0x から USD への価格変動率は $ -0.0123649863 です。
過去90日間における district0x から USD への価格変動率は $ -0.03832269546406441 です。
期間 | 変動率 (USD) | 変動率 (%) |
今日 | $ 0 | -0.09% |
30日 | $ -0.0047045287 | -15.00% |
60日 | $ -0.0123649863 | -39.44% |
90日 | $ -0.03832269546406441 | -55.00% |
district0x の直近価格の分析をご覧ください:24h 最安値と最高値、ATH、日次変化:
The district0x network is a collective of decentralized and autonomous marketplaces and communities, also known as districts. These districts are built upon a decentralized and distributed open-source framework, the d0xINFRA network, which is powered by Ethereum smart contracts. The district0x network aims at creating a friction-free, virtual economy where the users will be able to make buying and selling decisions, complete transactions, and even rank their peers with just one simple click. District0x aims to develop a flexible, and free market with advanced entrepreneurial concepts. The District0x infrastructure has a very neat concept with some well-outlined features, such as the staking interface. A staking interface is put in place that allows DNT holders to have open control over the districts through an Aragon governance layer for all markets that come online. Post creation of a district, an Aragon entity will also be created that people can use to interact with this staking mechanism. After staking a user will receive voting rights in that district. Using the creation interface, one can remove central power structures from any marketplace without the additional need for development or programming skills. It can be described as the WordPress of dApps where the districts being launched are like wordpress templates and the auxiliary modules are WordPress plugins for extended functionality. While it is very difficult to buy lesser known cryptocurrencies using fiat currencies (dollars, euros) directly from crypto-exchanges, district0x or DNT can be easily purchased from various exchanges using Ethereum or Bitcoin as the base cryptocoin. Binance is one of the popular exchange platforms that can help trade Bitcoin or Ethereum for District0x. One can use various wallets like myetherwallet.com to store the district0x (DNT) coins. Coinbase, Blockchain, Exodus, Trezor Hardware Wallet are also wallets that supports district0x. District0x, differs from most coins in its underlying concept and the architecture it is built on. The concept of interconnected districts and marketplaces promises a novel structure to the modern economies. What a lot of users are missing out on is the fact that it is a staking mechanism and not just a voting token. Staking is basically the process of mining the PoS (proof of stake) coins. Early investors will be able to lock their tokens to a specific district on the network, thus being able to participate in its governance later. DNT tokens can be staked in districts, thus they not only give voting power and privileges within that district but also provide district-specific tokens depending on when the investor had started trading. For example, early investors of the PoS token will be able to make decisions about the distribution of profits among stakeholders, the intricacies of the business model etc. DNT can basically be considered as a dynamic stock in the future district0x ecosystem. By joining the district0x, the user receives district0x coins. They allow the owner to exercise the right to vote for district proposals and make decisions within certain districts. This includes, for example, voting on proposals concerning the future of a particular district or setting fees. The scope of shareholders’ rights is outlined in the bylaws and varies according to the specific scope and purpose of each district. District0x platform users can interact with the functions and services provided by each district. Users can also freely create their own districts. For example, on Ethlance, the first district in the District0x network, users can post job offers or search for new jobs.
暗号資産価格は高い市場リスクと価格変動の影響を受けます。投資に際しては、ご自身が精通し、そのリスクを理解しているプロジェクトや商品に投資してください。投資を行う前に、ご自身の投資経験、財務状況、投資目的、リスク許容度を慎重に検討し、外部の財務アドバイザーにご相談されることをお勧めします。本資料は財務アドバイスとして見なされるべきものではありません。過去の実績は将来の実績を示すものではありません。投資の価値が下がることもあれば上がることもあり、投資した金額を回収できない場合もあります。ご自身の投資判断については、ご自身の責任において行ってください。MEXCはユーザー様が被る可能性のある損失について責任を負いません。詳細については、利用規約とリスク告知をご覧ください。 また、上記の暗号資産に関するデータ(現在のライブ価格など)は、第三者の情報に基づいていることにご留意ください。これらは「現状のまま」かつ情報提供のみを目的としており、いかなる表明や保証を行うものではありません。第三者のサイトへのリンクもまた、MEXCの管理下にあるものではありません。MEXCは、このような第三者のサイトおよびそのコンテンツの信頼性および正確性について責任を負いません。
1 DNT を AUD に | A$0.0495273278 |
1 DNT を GBP に | £0.0241367357 |
1 DNT を EUR に | €0.0288386972 |
1 DNT を USD に | $0.03134641 |
1 DNT を MYR に | RM0.1388645963 |
1 DNT を TRY に | ₺1.1435170368 |
1 DNT を JPY に | ¥4.6320590057 |
1 DNT を RUB に | ₽2.7895170259 |
1 DNT を INR に | ₹2.7312127033 |
1 DNT を IDR に | Rp513.8754915504 |
1 DNT を PHP に | ₱1.7967762212 |
1 DNT を EGP に | £E.1.5886360588 |
1 DNT を BRL に | R$0.1805553216 |
1 DNT を CAD に | C$0.0445119022 |
1 DNT を BDT に | ৳3.8120369201 |
1 DNT を NGN に | ₦47.2083203882 |
1 DNT を UAH に | ₴1.2936663407 |
1 DNT を VES に | Bs2.00617024 |
1 DNT を PKR に | Rs8.7779351923 |
1 DNT を KZT に | ₸15.5873158366 |
1 DNT を THB に | ฿1.0585682657 |
1 DNT を TWD に | NT$1.0306699608 |
1 DNT を CHF に | Fr0.0275848408 |
1 DNT を HKD に | HK$0.2435616057 |
1 DNT を MAD に | .د.م0.3059409616 |
1 DNT を MXN に | $0.6357051948 |