Recently, there have been various types of scams on Telegram. Users must remain vigilant to resist scammers. The following types of scams are common on Telegram, and if you encounter any of the following situations, please be aware of the risks.
1.1 Fraudulent private messages from strangers
On Telegram, strangers may message you from time to time. If someone recommends a project that requires you to transfer money or register for an unknown software, please be cautious to avoid monetary losses or information theft. You may also receive links or suspicious files with unknown sources. The files often masquerade as official announcements or contain pornographic information. These files are likely to be Trojan viruses, so do not download or click on them. Do not trust strangers who message you, and if you are being harassed, you have the option to block them. Do not click on any suspicious files or links sent to you without reason.
When you are enquiring about the platform's service in the official group, you may receive private messages from someone impersonating official personnel. For example, they may guide you to claim a gift bag, or request information from you under the guise of helping you lift risk control restrictions. In this case, do not trust them or provide them any account information, as official personnel will never initiate private conversations with any user. If you need to contact official personnel, you can identify them by the group administrator label. Do not trust anyone on Telegram who offers to help you lift risk control. This is a known scam tactic. The official platform will never send text messages or make phone calls to any user without reason or the user reaching out first. You should never provide any relevant information to anyone who asks for passwords, SMS/Google verification codes under various names as it is a known scam tactic. If you encounter such situations, you can verify the channel on the official MEXC website: MEXC Verify.
On the MEXC app, the portal for official channel verification can be found under Help & Support -> MEXC Verify.
On the MEXC website, it can be found at the bottom of the page under Support -> MEXC Verify.
1.3 Scams via fake official social media communities
There are many types of fake official groups on Telegram, which are usually populated by bots and scam accounts. Scammers may post various false investment inducements in the group, such as exchanging digital assets, transferring funds to wallets to make profits, and scanning QR codes to receive airdrops. Do not trust them or click on any suspicious links or tutorials within the group. It is important to protect your personal property and prevent being scammed.
Make sure to join the official MEXC English Telegram group:, and you can search for other language groups at the bottom of the page on the official MEXC website. If you are unsure about the authenticity of the channels, you can verify them at MEXC Verify, or contact customer service for verification. At the same time, do not join or trust any exchange or arbitrage groups, and stay cautious of any projects that promise high returns and stability.
1.4 Fraudulent private transactions
To avoid being scammed, it is recommended that you avoid making private transactions if you want to buy or sell USDT. If someone contacts you privately to sell USDT at a low price or buy USDT at a high price, or you encounter someone claiming to be official personnel who can secure transactions, please be cautious to prevent unnecessary monetary losses. Private transactions are not secure and are usually scams. It is advised to buy and sell virtual currencies on official trading platforms only.
1.5 Illegal and non-compliant information
If someone sends you inappropriate images and videos, or offers illegal information such as stolen or blacklisted USDT, as well as unknown project advertisements and gambling information on Telegram, do not trust them. You have the option to block the contact directly, or report them by tagging administrators in the group.
1.6 Scams by impostors pretending to be a friend
Scammers may impersonate your friend and ask you for screenshots of your Telegram chat under the guise of recovering their account. Once you provide this information, your login code will be leaked, and scammers may use it to log in to your account. They may also impersonate your friend and ask to borrow money or request other information. You must carefully verify the identity of the person with whom you are communicating.
1.7 Fake Telegram installation program
Please note that Telegram currently does not provide any installation programs in Chinese. Most of the Chinese installation programs found through third-party search engines carry risks, so please do not use them.
1.8 Scams by using similar usernames
Scammers often register accounts with usernames similar to administrators' by using similar-looking letters and numbers such as O's and 0's, I's and l's, etc. to perform scams.
To summarize, we propose the following suggestions to help you prevent scams and losses on Telegram:
2.1 Enable two-factor authentication: For the security of your account, we encourage you to set up a password for two-factor authentication. This password will only be required when your account attempts to log in to a new Telegram client.
2.2 Be cautious when using third-party clients: Third-party clients may be able to control your account, read your entire chat history, collect information about your device, and even replace transfer addresses and other chat content sent through the software. Therefore, for safety reasons, please only download Telegram from the official website.
2.3 Do not send personal information to Telegram bots: Please be cautious when using Telegram bots and do not disclose any personal data, including your name, username, phone number, email address, password, or any other information that can be used to identify you.
2.4 Check wallet addresses: If you want to send a wallet address to someone, please verify the address carefully. It is recommended to send a screenshot of the wallet QR code to others.
2.5 Regularly check the devices that log in to Telegram: Check regularly the devices that log in to your Telegram account and force log out of any suspicious devices.
2.6 Add contacts without sharing phone numbers: When adding contacts, you can deselect the default option that allows sharing of your phone number.
2.7 Hide your phone number and set restrictions on joining groups: On Telegram, you can set it such that contacts who are not in your contact list cannot add you into a group, in order to lower the risks of scam such as being added to fraudulent groups, etc. Also, we do not recommend using the Add People Nearby function.
2.8 Turn off automatic download: We recommend that you turn off the automatic file download feature on Telegram to avoid accidentally downloading virus files, etc.
Disclaimer: This information does not provide advice on investment, taxation, legal, financial, accounting, or any other related services, nor does it constitute advice to purchase, sell, or hold any assets. MEXC Learn provides information for reference purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Please ensure you fully understand the risks involved and exercise caution when investing. The platform is not responsible for users' investment decisions.