Phase --Phase --
Total Weekly Prize Pool
Individual Reward Up to
Event starts in:
Event Period:
-- - --
No. of Registered Users
Unlocked Prize Pool
Total Trading Volume (USDT)
Ranking --
Registration Time
Task Progress
Progress left to unlock reward for the next task: 0.00%
Trade another -- USDT to receive the next task reward
Progress left to unlock reward for the next task: 0.00%
Trade another -- USDT to receive the next task reward
Ranking Progress
Progress to move up to the next reward tier: 100.00%
Trade another 0.00 USDT to upgrade reward sharing amount
Event TasksEvent Tasks
Update Time: --
The trading volume ranking is updated every 15 minutes.
Estimated Reward
Trading Volume
Estimated Reward
Trading Volume
Estimated Reward
Trading Volume
Surpassed -- of event participants
RankingUIDTrading Volume
No Data
Trading Volume Ranking Reward Rules
RankingShare of Prize PoolReward per User (USDT)Minimum Trading Volume (USDT)
No Data
Event RulesEvent Rules

1. During the event, users who trade futures with β‰₯ 21x leverage will automatically be registered as participants.

2. This event is for individual users only. Market makers and institutional accounts are not allowed to participate in this event. Sub-accounts are not allowed to participate in the event as independent accounts. When calculating the final figures, the trading volume of the sub-accounts will be combined with the trading volume of the main account.

3. During the event, adjustments may be made to the maximum leverage supported for the event trading pairs. Either before or after the adjustment, all eligible trading volumes that meet the event requirements will be counted.

4. Your trading volume during the event period will be calculated based on your futures trading volume generated after registration, including both opening and closing amounts, with leverage β‰₯ 21x, and trading fee > 0. This calculation applies to all trading pairs except for stablecoin futures like USDC/USDT.

5. Rewards for first experience task cannot be claimed simultaneously with rewards for other high-leverage tasks of the same type on the platform.

6. Rewards for the trading volume ranking will be distributed within 3 days after the event ends. Rewards for the other tasks will be distributed the following day.

7. If you do not receive the rewards within the specified time, it may be due to triggering platform risk control. In such case, the rewards will not be reissued.

8. All participating users are requested to strictly comply with the terms of service. MEXC reserves the right to disqualify users suspected of engaging in wash trading, creating bulk accounts, self-dealing, or market manipulation during the event, as well as the right to revoke any bonus rewards received by such users.

9. MEXC reserves the right to modify the terms of this event without prior notice.

10. MEXC reserves the right of final interpretation of the event. Should there be any questions, please contact Customer Service.