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MEXC P2P Merchant Agreement

Last Updated: 2024/08/13

This MEXC P2P Merchant Agreement (the 'Agreement') forms part and parcel of the MEXC P2P Service Agreement (the 'Service Agreement') and P2P Appeal Handling Rules (the 'Appeal Rules'). By manually clicking the [Submit] button, you are deemed to have read, understood, and accepted this Agreement, the Service Agreement, and Appeal Rules, and you agree to be bound by and comply with the provisions contained therein.

All terms and references used in this Agreement and which are defined and construed in the MEXC User Agreement (the “User Agreement”) or the Service Agreement, but are not defined or construed in this Agreement, shall have the same meaning and construction in this Agreement.

By participating in P2P transactions on and acting as a Merchant, you hereby make the following promises:

  1. You participate in P2P transactions using a real identity, and all information and materials provided to are true, accurate, complete, and legal.
  2. The source and purpose of the assets used for P2P transactions are legal, and there is no suspicion of money laundering, drug crime, organized crime, terrorist activities, smuggling, corruption and bribery, crimes of disrupting financial management order, financial fraud, theft, embezzlement and misappropriation of company property and other criminal proceeds.
  3. You ensure there is no money laundering through to cover up the illegal source of funds and obtain illegal benefits.
  4. All payment methods you use on P2P must have an account owner name identical to the name on your MEXC Account, as confirmed during the identity verification process. It is prohibited to use any payment method with an account owner name that does not match your MEXC Account. Third-party payment/collection methods are also prohibited.

General Principles
  1. Be honest, polite, and fair.
  2. Act with integrity.
  3. Be responsible for your Advertisements. Confirm the price and quantity before you publish.
  4. Always make payments, release tokens, and reply to users in a timely manner. Only accept payments in the methods you advertise and those available on MEXC P2P.
  5. Do not cancel orders arbitrarily and do not appeal maliciously. Contact users directly before filing an appeal.
  6. Do not include “MEXC”, local bank names, payment method names, or any sensitive words in your username.

Trading Obligations
  1. You are advised to carry out additional identity verification with the counterparty if any suspicions arise during the course of transaction.
  2. Merchants must not participate in any form of transactions involving illegal funds.
  3. If a user complains that his/her bank account is frozen after receiving payment from the Merchant, the Merchant must cooperate with MEXC to proactively provide necessary evidence as required by MEXC.
  4. If a Merchant brings illegal digital assets or illegal funds into MEXC, resulting in legal risks and/or loss of assets for MEXC and its users, MEXC has the right to disqualify the Merchant, ban all of their activities, and confiscate their security deposit. In any case, MEXC still reserves the right to pursue any losses or damages suffered as direct and/or indirect consequences of the Merchant's aforesaid actions, and the Merchant hereby indemnifies MEXC against all direct, indirect, special, consequential losses and/or damages arising therefrom.

Consequences for Breach

For each/every violation of certain clauses contained under this Agreement, MEXC may impose certain penalties/restrictions upon your Merchant account, which may include, but are not limited to, Warning, Trading Suspension, Ad Suspensions, Disqualification, and Confiscation of Security Deposits.

Types of Violation

First Violation
Second Violation
Breach of General Principle

Violation of General Principle 1-2
Disqualification, Confiscation of
Security Deposits
Violation of General Principle 3
Ad Suspension
Disqualification, Confiscation of
Security Deposits
Violation of General Principle 4
Trading Suspension
Disqualification, Confiscation of
Security Deposits
Violation of General Principle 5
Trading Suspension
Disqualification, Confiscation of
Security Deposits
Violation of General Principle 6
Disqualification, Confiscation of Security Deposits
Inactive Merchant
The merchant does not complete
any orders in 2 consecutive
Trading Suspension, Ad Suspension

Disqualification and Confiscation
of Security Deposits
Risk Control Measures
User's bank account
frozen due
to receiving money from
Merchant and Merchant fails to
cooperate with MEXC within the
given timeframe
Trading Suspension, Ad Suspension

Disqualification and Confiscation
of Security Deposits
MEXC risk control system
detects an abnormality, and the
Merchant refuses to or does not
actively cooperate with MEXC
for investigation
Disqualification and Confiscation
of Security Deposits
MEXC risk control system
detects that the Merchant uses
other accounts to wash trades
and block other Merchants' ads
Disqualification and Confiscation
of Security Deposits