QANplatform Preis (QANX)
Der Echtzeitpreis von QANplatform (QANX) beträgt heute 0.02900605 USD. Es verfügt über eine aktuelle Marktkapitalisierung von $ 49.31M USD. Der QANX zu USD Preis wird in Echtzeit aktualisiert.
Wichtige QANplatform Marktentwicklung:
- Das 24-stündige Handelsvolumen beträgt $ 236.27K USD
- Die Preisänderung von QANplatform im Tagesverlauf beträgt -0.63%
- Es verfügt über einen Umlaufangebot in Höhe von 1.70B USD
Erhalten Sie Echtzeit-Preisaktualisierungen für den Preis von QANX zu USD auf MEXC. Bleiben Sie mit den neuesten Daten und Marktanalysen auf dem Laufenden. Es ist unerlässlich, um kluge Handelsentscheidungen auf dem schnelllebigen Kryptowährungsmarkt zu treffen. Die MEXC Plattform ist Ihre erste Anlaufstelle für genaue QANX-Preisinformationen.
Im Tagesverlauf liegt die Preisänderung von QANplatform zu USD bei $ -0.00018641796409695.
In den letzten 30 Tagen liegt die Preisänderung von QANplatform zu USD bei $ -0.0031024755.
In den letzten 60 Tagen liegt die Preisänderung von QANplatform zu USD bei $ -0.0116019268.
In den letzten 90 Tagen liegt die Preisänderung von QANplatform zu USD bei $ -0.03733173558392531.
Zeitraum | Veränderung (USD) | Veränderung (%) |
Heute | $ -0.00018641796409695 | -0.63% |
30 Tage | $ -0.0031024755 | -10.69% |
60 Tage | $ -0.0116019268 | -39.99% |
90 Tage | $ -0.03733173558392531 | -56.27% |
Entdecke die neueste Preisanalyse von QANplatform: 24h-Tief & -Hoch, AZH und tägliche Änderungen:
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What Is QANplatform (QANX)? QANplatform, the quantum-resistant hybrid blockchain platform enables developers and enterprises to rapidly build software applications like DApps or DeFi and run business processes on blockchain. A blockchain platform, like QANplatform is the basic infrastructure of all blockchain projects and applications. It is like the operating system on a computer. The whole ecosystem can only build and work on top of it. Connect it with real-world data, run automated smart contracts, build decentralized applications (DApps). According to HFS Research excerpt for IBM: Enterprise blockchain adoption is going through a “90-9-1” adoption challenge. 90% of companies are still trying to internalize the concept and its relevant impact. 9% of enterprises that identified relevant use cases are struggling to start with their PoCs and pilots. The 1% of enterprises that have successful pilots are challenged with scalability to a production-grade environment. To achieve blockchain mass adoption Qanplatform focused on these challenges. They built a lot of automation and integration to help freelance developers, blockchain development companies and enterprises start their blockchain PoCs (Proof-of-Concept) as fast as possible. It takes less than 5 minutes to deploy the QAN private blockchain to a preferred cloud platform and start building on it. Who Are the Founders of QANplatform ? Johann Polecsak, QAN's Chief Technology Officer is also an economist. He along with the Business Development team pursues the way to make QAN as appealing as possible. In the end all what matters is market share. His laser focus lights in the single direction of eliminating any obstacles which could come up as a reason not to implement Blockchain technology, making QAN the only sane choice to work with. Endre Abraham (Silur), QAN's Head of Cryptology contributed to several blockchain projects like Ethereum, Zcash, or Monero. Gaining such an extensive experience could only lead him in one direction: Building a blockchain which solves the pain points of the existing mainstream ones. What Makes QANplatform Unique? QANplatform solves the problems enterprises and developers face when using currently available blockchain by building a platform from scratch that does not require them to make compromises: - Hybrid blockchain platform - 80% faster implementation than other blockchains - Lowest hardware and energy requirements on the market - Predictable data transaction prices for public blockchains - Enterprise-ready transaction speed - Quantum-resistant security The experienced team behind QANplatform worked in companies and projects like IBM, Telekom, Uber,, Ethereum, Monero, Zcash...
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1 QANX zu VND | ₫743.74412805 |
1 QANX zu AUD | A$0.0461196195 |
1 QANX zu GBP | £0.0223346585 |
1 QANX zu EUR | €0.026685566 |
1 QANX zu USD | $0.02900605 |
1 QANX zu MYR | RM0.1284968015 |
1 QANX zu TRY | ₺1.06162143 |
1 QANX zu JPY | ¥4.2792625565 |
1 QANX zu RUB | ₽2.497420905 |
1 QANX zu INR | ₹2.5220760475 |
1 QANX zu IDR | Rp475.508940312 |
1 QANX zu KRW | ₩42.22120638 |
1 QANX zu PHP | ₱1.6640770885 |
1 QANX zu EGP | £E.1.4691564325 |
1 QANX zu BRL | R$0.16823509 |
1 QANX zu CAD | C$0.041768712 |
1 QANX zu BDT | ৳3.5239450145 |
1 QANX zu NGN | ₦44.8314608195 |
1 QANX zu UAH | ₴1.2040411355 |
1 QANX zu VES | Bs1.8563872 |
1 QANX zu PKR | Rs8.1202436975 |
1 QANX zu KZT | ₸14.274457326 |
1 QANX zu THB | ฿0.9777939455 |
1 QANX zu TWD | NT$0.9569095895 |
1 QANX zu AED | د.إ0.1064522035 |
1 QANX zu CHF | Fr0.025525324 |
1 QANX zu HKD | HK$0.2253770085 |
1 QANX zu MAD | .د.م0.2810686245 |
1 QANX zu MXN | $0.583021605 |