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How to Use the Auto Margin Addition Function

2023.06.20 MEXC

1. What is Auto-Margin Addition?

Auto margin addition is a feature provided by MEXC that allows traders to automatically add position margin to isolated margin positions they already hold, with the aim of avoiding liquidation. Once the auto margin addition feature is enabled, when your position is nearing liquidation, your available margin will automatically be transferred to the position to prevent liquidation from occurring.

The amount added each time through auto margin addition corresponds to the maintenance margin required for that position. After adding margin, the position will recalibrate to a more favorable liquidation price. During auto margin addition, the system will first cancel the user's open orders for that futures position.

2. How to Set Up Auto Margin Addition

The MEXC platform offers the auto margin addition feature, which automatically transfers available margin from your wallet into the position's margin when your isolated margin position is about to be auto-reduced or liquidated.

It's important to note that the auto margin addition feature reduces the likelihood of liquidation, but in extreme situations, it may result in a complete loss of assets in your futures account.

2.1 Website

At the bottom of the futures trading page, under the [Open Position] section, you can toggle on the [Auto Margin Addition] switch.

2.2 App

In the [Positions] section at the bottom of the [Futures] trading page, you can toggle the [Auto Margin Addition] switch to enable it.

Note: Auto Margin Addition is only effective in isolated margin mode and is not supported in cross margin mode.

If you wish to learn more about margin addition, check out "What is Add Margin?".

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